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Wellness Coaching

In a world where health is everything and prevention is a last resort …. Wellness Coaching

We are coming to an age where we realise prevention is everything and we must take action sooner than later.

Inflammation is the first stage of disease. Your body will give out warning signals before it starts on its journey of chronic and acute inflammation.

Our body cells are clever organisms designed to keep us alive. They will do anything to keep us surviving at any cost.  We can starve it, dehydrate it , physically beat it and it keep us breathing till its last breathe. It will find ways within its internal structures and biological chemistry to alleviate us of any harm that we are imposing upon it. It will give us one warning signal after the other..   We just need to pay heed – we need to listen to our body – it has the answers.  Make a booking today to discover Wellness Coaching.

A little about Myself – I grew up in a household where my mother was making poultices, salves and performing cupping as my grandmother had taught her. My knowledge grew when I spent 6 months learning Kinesiology and learning about our body and its emotional and spiritual connection to itself and its organs.

From there I gained a Certification in Health Coaching and have ever since been applying it to my clients and skin conditions.  There has been much talk of Liver cleanse and Bowel cleanses and Liver detox. Our body works as a whole. Our organs do not function as separate entities. If one organ fails, the other organs will attempt to support it however it places pressure on the whole body. I will never focus on one part of the body but I will focus on us wholistically and holistically.   Your health is based on many factors. Your environment. Your eating habits. Your medical history. Your family history. Your home environment.   We will ask the right questions to find the right solutions for you – as a whole entity.

Our philosopher is based on we are getting better and better.

First Consultation            1.5hrs          $180
The 1st visit is to determine who you are and what your symptoms are. We build a relationship and determine the best way to help you.

We do a questionnaire consult to determine where your health issues lie and then we direct you to the RIGHT eating style that suits your body. We spend time going thru what is the CORRECT food intake and the supplements you should be taking.

Follow up Consultations                $90
To see how you are progressing and to keep you on track.

Home Visit Consultation           2hrs      $180
You are what you eat. It’s a walk-thru of your home to determine how its contents are making you sick. From bathroom to kitchen. From body products to food products.

Lets go shopping              2 hr s   $180
Walking the aisles of your typical supermarket. Shopping on the perimeter and identifying what NOT to buy. How to read a FOOD INGREDIENT List and what to BUY in the correct food aisles.

Weight Loss Consultation        1.5hrs      $180
Discovering  who you are and who you want to be. Asking the Whys to where you are currently at. We build a relationship and determine what method to follow that is going to work for you.


STRATEGIC HYPNOTHERAPY           1hr         $180

We are qualified in strategic hypnotherapy. Zooming into the correct questions to ask you and probing the underlying issues.

From food issues to weight loss to a positive body image.

Many of our life issues have the underlying cause of anxiety, depression, procrastination, poor self image and poor discipline, and lack of motivation and drive.

Many of our issue are poor habits and ‘stuck’ in OLD habits of thinking.

What we think is correct is NOT necessarily correct !

Its hard letting go of habits/thinking  until someone points out to us – Hey that’s an old habit you’ve carried over from the age of 10yo !!   AND Now you are 52yo…..

We are always here to support your skin and wellness, ensuring that your inner health and outer health needs are met.  Book online right now or purchase a gift voucher for someone special.