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AgeWell Clinic

CLEAN EATING to Age Gracefully.

Here’s our list of the TOP 10 foods you should eat for healthy youthful skin!

Remember, many of the best foods for healthy skin also promote good health overall.

We need to concentrate on a lifestyle diet based around Clean Eating where our foods are high nutrition, low toxins & low processed food content; and low GI content.

Opt for leafy green vegetables and berries for their high anti oxidants. Limit sweets and baked goods due to their over processed ingredients. Strive for variety as you’re making healthy choices.

Inflammation is the many small things that occur within our bodies. Every disease is linked to chronic inflammation. When your body is exposed to stimuli that’s triggers inflammation , our immune system is on constant high alert. The indicators to inflammation are eczema to acne to IBS, gut issues, allergies, to severe MS, Lupus…fibromyalgia, cancers….etc…The issues arise when our immune system has been overactive for long period of time. It’s been well documented that long term inflammation leads to chronic and severe disease.

Our cells can only cope with so much – and thus what we feed them whether environmental or FOOD wise can create havoc….

What creates inflammation?

1. Stress

2. Food

3. Environmental pollutants/toxins

4. Viruses and Bacteria

How can we decrease inflammation ?

By taking control of the above 4 factors and changing your old habits.

And FOOD and its Quality is one of them.

Below are some basic recommendation.


Nuts & seeds provide all the right kinds of fat, fibre and protein that nourish our skin. They are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E to combat free radical damage which contributes to the ageing of your skin. Most of the fat in nuts is monounsaturated fat plus omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fat.


Wheat raises blood sugar levels, causes immuno-reactive problems, inhibits the absorption of important minerals and aggravates our intestines. And much of this may stem from the fact that wheat simply ain’t what it used to be.

Sugar for the most obvious reason, it spikes your insulin and may lead to insulin resistance and diabetes (not to mention the inflammatory effects on our body)

3. TEA and AntiOxidants

Tea ! Who would have thought. They contain antioxidants and they all have anti-aging benefits. Green tea has been shown to help rejuvenate skin cells. Tannins in tea can reduce your absorption of minerals in food however we can drink our tea between meals rather than with meals.


High in protein, good sources of omega-3 fats and a front runner for providing zinc – a mineral required for skin healing and preventing infections. Zinc can help acne and other skin conditions and is essential to maintain healthy radiant skin. If you are suffer with dandruff, just up your zinc.


Oily fish such as salmon are wonderfully rich in the essential omega-3 fats. These reduce inflammation and provide essential nourishment to the skin. To gain the benefits you need to eat it a minimum of twice a week. Other oily fish include sardines, mackerel, anchovies and trout. I also recommend taking an additional daily omega-3 supplement otherwise optimal levels are hard to reach. If you suffer from eczema or psoriasis up the dose – there is good scientific backing to show it can help.

6. CARROTS and Beta Carotene

our humble carrot is one of the richest sources of beta-carotene, which acts both as an antioxidant and is converted to vitamin A, which repairs and maintains healthy skin.


These are a daily must for maximum anti-ageing power. The darker the green the better as this usually indicates higher levels of antioxidants. These fight the free radicals that damage cells and accelerate aging of the skin. One of these antioxidants beta-carotene can also form vitamin A in the body – a common ingredient in face creams for good reason and an essential nutrient for healthy hair. Feed your skin from the inside out and include leafy greens daily and watch your skin bloom. Spinach, silverbeet, kale, rocket, watercress, Asian greens and dark green cabbage varieties all qualify.


Rich in the essential fats we need to nourish our skin and hair from the inside out and a great source of vitamin E to help protect the skin from aging free radical and sun damage.


They look delectable, they taste divine and they top the charts for antioxidant power. What’s not to like about berries?! They are also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant to combat the ageing process, but also necessary for the building of collagen, the protein that gives skin its elasticity, and strengthens capillaries to help reduce spider veins and easy bruising.


We know that citrus fruit is the best sources of vitamin C and our good ol’ oranges, grapefruit and kiwi are widely available and easy to eat. Vitamin C is essential to make the protein collagen, which gives skin its youthful elasticity, maintain hydration and prevent wrinkles.

If you would like a complimentary skin or wellness consultation… please don’t hesitate to reach out or BOOK ONLINE
You may email me at mgalanis@optusnet.com.au

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